Wednesday, May 28, 2014

40 Day Challenge - Draw Closer to God & Your Hubby (Day 31: Enjoy Your Husband)

I hope that your husband was one of your blessings. At the top of your list. In fact, I'm hoping that sex was on your list of blessings. Seriously.

Day 31
It's so important to consider your husband a God-given blessing. In fact, it's so important that it's the first thing Paul tells women to teach other women in Titus 2:4, "... train the young women to love their husbands..." To love your husband means to be fond of him, to respond to him, to enjoy him, to be in awe of him. Unashamedly. Unreservedly. Willingly. And with pleasure. 

Part of our "job" as wives is to give all of ourselves without reservation. That includes the bedroom, not just our heart, mind and life. I've briefly talked about this on day day 17 when I told you to stop being selfish and give of yourself freely. We're going to go into more detail about that today, because your husband should be a huge blessing to you, I'm going to show you why...

Sex is a blessing God has given husbands and wives to enjoy without shame. What you and your husband do to enjoy one another is private. It should be kept pure - between the two of you only. Your body is his and his body is yours. ENJOY IT. 

We spend so much time as Christians talking about purity, that we skip the next step of purity! Intimacy with your husband was intended by God and is therefore PURE. We must get over the idea that sex is either dirty or free. It is neither. It is not dirty and it should not be free. It is a beautiful gift we give to our spouse and it should be often. If you don't give it often you're opening the doors for temptation to find it elsewhere.

I can back that up with Scripture. "The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does." (1 Corinthians 7:3-4)

Let's talk about a few of those pieces: 

  • Conjugal? It is quite simply a word pertaining to the "relation" between a husband and a wife.
  • Authority? Dominion. Authorization. It's definitely double sided - you have authority over your husbands bod, just as he does yours. Get over it and EMBRACE it. (Hehe!)
Song of Solomon is a wonderful book to read in relation to conjugal rights and the authority-over-the-body topic. I encourage you to read it with your husband (talk about opening the doors to intimacy). Song of Solomon is a love poem that begins with courtship and is filled with marital love. It is filled with euphemisms and word pictures to elegantly express the emotional and physical intimacy between Solomon and his bride. Why do you think God gave us this book? Mimic them!

You see sex is pure and beautiful between a husband and his wife. Still, in order to get over our "self-conscience" hump, admit there are a few things we may or may not be comfortable with... so I'm going to ask you... how far are you willing to go to enjoy your husband? 
As far as the blogger from The Forgiven Wife? As far as the wife of Solomon? Who praises her husband, rejoices in him, enjoys his body thoroughly, and gives her whole self to him? I agree with John MacArthur in that Song of Solomon isn't the Kama Sutra of the Bible, but it is a beautiful love story of a husband and a wife enjoying their conjugal rights. 
Here's today's task: Read the first 4 chapters of Song of Solomon recognizing that your body is your husbands, just as his body is yours. Try to mimic Solomon's wife in praising, rejoicing, enjoying and giving everything to your husband. Here's your next challenge: for the next 7 days of this challenge enjoy your husband. I promise that once you focus on enjoying him, you will; and if sex wasn't part of your blessing list before, add it. 
Yes, I'm challenging you to have sex with your husband every day for the next 7 days. If you can't have sex, initiate something that shows this willingness in you: to unashamedly give yourself to him and enjoy him.
If you just joined us I encourage you to start with day 1, there's a reason for the order...

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