Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tuesday's Top Ten [When Inspiration Strikes]

My brain has a hundred ideas rolling around at the most inopportune times. I'll have a stroke of genius in the shower or while doing the dishes, but when I actually have a chance to work on one of those ideas, my brain stops working. All those ideas? Gone.

At least that is what has happened to me as of late, which is why there has been nothing published since May. It is incredibly annoying. So instead of the many ideas I can't seem to finish, or even get started, I decided to share all the inconvenient times inspiration strikes...

1. The shower. I keep saying I need to bring my waterproof journal into the shower with me, but then I might never get out.

2. Doing Dishes. Standing at the sink with my hands submerged in soapy water gets the brain rolling for some reason!

3. Sorting Laundry. Between the sort-ment of  darks, gentle cycles, and whites I get lost in thought. (And no, sort-ment is not a word. The suffix -ment denotes an action, but I'm ignoring the fact that it's a suffix of nouns. Sometimes in the art of writing it's just fun to break the rules, especially when my brain could think of nothing else but "sort-ment" and would make me laugh. And this afterthought is ridiculous. Time to move on...)

4. Scrubbing toilets. 'Cause I'd rather be thinking about anything else...

5. Making meals. I do not enjoy cooking so that is probably why other ideas pop into my head.

6. In the middle of the night. Or right before I'm about to fall asleep. This is when I yell at my brain to, shut up! 

7. Driving. Behind the windshield offers some great reflection time, but if I can't write the thought down it's like a vapor or a mist the Nebraska wind blows away.

8. Waiting for my children to finish eating. Does anyone else have children who eat like little sloths? Or have to remind them to chew? It's these moments that I want to do anything, anything, other than waiting for them. Still, I should be thankful I can't write during those moments because each post would probably make me sound like a raging lunatic with irritating mouths to feed. They are so so so so so so hungry ... until I give them food.

9. Conversations with my hubby. Seriously ya'll, I married the smartest man. When I get a glimpse into his genius, I am inspired. I wish I could bottle up those conversations and store them for those moments when I do have a chance to write.

10. While I'm trying to finish one of my ideas. I'll be writing or crafting and have this idea I don't want to forget, so I put aside the one I was working on to start the next one (just so I don't forget!) and something else hits me. Do you see the ugly cycle? My struggle isn't coming up with the ideas, the struggle is often getting it started and when I do finally start it the ultimate struggle is actually finishing it!

Inspiration doesn't seem to latch on in moments when I can actually work on something from start to finish. It has been incredibly frustrating. My last post was in MAY! MAY! Which means this irritation has been festering for over a month. Hopefully you haven't given up on me and can laugh alongside me as I work through it. I am hoping that writing this down helps me overcome whatever roadblocks exist up there. One can only hope...

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