Monday, December 17, 2018


My husband and I recently finished watching a show together called, Hell on Wheels. It's good, and I'm sure that the rough lifestyle portrayed by those building the railroad from shore to shore in the late 1800's is entirely accurate, so if you decide to watch it, please be prepared. This is not a post encouraging you to watch it as much as it is about one statement made by the main character, "the only thing we can really rely on is change." While change is inevitable in all our lives, I think it's foolish to rely on it. Still, the statement resonated with me as we face many possible changes in our life.

Change is hard for me. It's hard because change forces me to rely on the unchanging God of the universe who has stated He holds the stars in the heavens and He knows them all by name (Psalm 147:4), who also states that He knows the very number of the hair on our head (Matthew 10:30), that from His very breath ice is given (Job 37:10), and that no purpose of His can be thwarted (Job 42:2, Ecclesiastes 3:14-15, Psalm 115:3). Resting in the fact that "every word of God proves true" (Proverbs 30:5) is an awesome place to breathe deep breaths. And if every word of God proves true, then I can trust that while the world before me and the events, places, and things in my life seem to be changing rapidly, God does not change and these truths will remain true for all eternity.

While I won't share what those changes are for us just yet, I can promise you that while I face these monumental changes that could easily have my mind spinning, I have a place to rest. That rest is found in the sovereign hand of God, in all that He did and in all that He's promised. So I can look at His Word and praise Him. I can look at His word and see that He is true to it. I can look at what He accomplished through His death on the cross, His burial, and His resurrection and rest. I can rest knowing that whatever changes He brings about, I can trust Him; because if He accomplishes all that I listed (and much, much more) then I know I can trust Him with my salvation. I can trust Him with my life and my death (Job 12:10). THAT is an awesome place to rest. So my purpose for sharing this is two fold: 1. I hope that if you too are facing changes, this brings you comfort; and 2. one of the reasons for my neglect here is because there are many days I'm feeling overwhelmed with all that is on my plate. Right now is one of those moments and I needed to reflect on who God is, what He has said, and what He has done, so that I have a place to rest once again, to calm my thoughts, and rest assured with the knowledge that God is in control and it's my job to simply trust Him.

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