Every week my daughter enjoys story time at the local library. If we're getting ready to go "bye-bye" there's only two places she cares to go: church or the library. She loves it. I'm sure it helps that we come home with a bag full of new books. (I try to add a few of the ones we enjoy to my Goodreads profile and also to my Reading and Writing page, but I'm a tad behind these days, hence this post.) Some of them I toss aside with an "eh, it was okay" kind of feedback but these, these are worth sharing and reading over and over again. Definitely check them out.
I grew up pretending to be Mother Goose (I went all out with a costume even!) and then I'd go around reading everyone nursery rhymes. Perhaps that's why I'm a big fan of any twist on an old favorite. Murray uses the rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock to present the story of the day a dog followed this boy to school.
Jennifer Ward and Kenneth Spengler have done an excellent job introducing animals in the arctic with this book written as a song! There's so much to love about this book - music, counting, animals, the discovery of a new place - what's not to love? Apparently this isn't the first this team has written; I think it's time to check the others out as well. In fact, Jennifer Ward has a whole host of books that are now on my wish list.
This book is one was my 2 year old's absolute favorites! She laughed hysterically at this monkey's predicament and because of her enthusiasm, it also became a favorite of mine. Amazon has this lovely "Customers who bought this item also bought..." link showcasing other books by the author or similar books to the one purchased, well due to that particular link I added The Monkey and the Bee by C.P. Bloom to our wish list (which is becoming quite extensive).
This is most definitely an all time favorite! Judy Sierra and Marc Brown worked together to create such an adorable rhyming story inspiring children of all ages to read and write. I recommend this book for teachers, mothers, and readers - no matter the age!
The llustrations by Paul Ratz de Tagyos are absolutely hilarious and make this story come alive! Each time I read it I giggle as the animals "help" Farmer Ted with his chores.
There are six books in this Bear and Friends collection, but so far Bear Snores On is my favorite. I still want the set, there's not a bad one in the bunch.
This book is a perfect illustration of my life right now with Bean and stands as a wonderful reminder that although my to-do list is important, it's not nearly as important as time with her. Such a sweet book filled with love and fun.
What a fun story from the perspective of a little boy who wants to keep the mouse he found. Another story worth reading with your littles (that you might actually enjoy as well).

I realized after proofing this post that most of the books we pick revolve around animals. That's what my little girl is into right now so I immediately nab titles with anything bear, monkey, elephant, dog, or cock-a-doodle doo's (that's what she calls a rooster). It keeps her entertained and her love for books alive; not to mention the fact that I actually enjoy reading these books as well.