I am pairing up with my friend MelanyCat this week (and for many topics to come) on Tuesday's Top Ten list! Melany is a new blogger, 15 years old, the daughter of a really good friend, who has many amazing things to say. I would definitely listen. Melany is one of those girls you want your own daughter to emulate (mothers in our church are seeing potential discipleship relationships galore, we all love her). I had the privilege to teach her for 2 years before she decided to be homeschooled (yes, she made that decision). She's brilliant, beautiful, talented and am so excited she took me up on this challenge to write with me on Tuesdays.
Once you check out my list, don't forget to hop on over to Melany's.
This week we started with children's books. I was that teacher who read children's books to my junior highers. If I ever become a teacher to high schoolers, yuP, I'll be reading children's books to them as well. I heard (often) "B-b-b-but Mrs. Lowery! We're not kids!" My reply, "I am -- years old and there's still a lot of child left in me. Do not give up the heart of a child. Wanting to be "all grown up" forces you to lose that childish imagination, those childish whims, adventures, and innocence. Those are things to keep and those are themes found throughout children's books!" For that reason children's books will always be recommended as a good read! It's the first place I go in a thrift store and the children's book section is where I make a beeline if I ever go to Barnes and Noble. Every person at any age can (ahem should) enjoy children's books. Children's books speak to the soul. I enjoy them more so as an adult than I ever did as a child. Here's a few of my favorites (in no particular order):
The Wimmecks Series by Max Lucado
I cannot get through You are Special without crying, it's a beautiful story! Max Lucado has this amazing way of writing to children, explaining the gospel message in touching way. Making it easy to turn around and relate it to their own life.
Faithful Elephants by Yukio Tsuchiya is based on a true story and is so, so, so, so sad. I had a male professor read this book to us when I was in completing my masters and he cried. Grab a box of Kleenex's, seriously.
The Princess Kiss by Jennie Bishop
This is a must read if you have a little girl. It's a beautiful story about saving your kiss for your prince.
The Empty Pot by Demi is an incredible story on the value of honesty.
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Is it normal to cry while reading this one?
Ghastlies, Goops, & Pincushions by X.J. Kennedy
I can't believe this myself, but I actually found this in a discard pile! (GASP!) If you want to read a hilarious book filled with nonsense poetry, you must nab it. Check out my review to find out all the reasons why.
Eletelephony by Laura Richards is this delightfully short, cute book about an elephant using the phone but gets all sorts of tongue tied. This is actually a song, but it's an adorable one. If you find the book (I found mine at a dollar store), don't leave without it!
Count Yourself to Sleep by Lynn Hodges & Sue Buchanan is a wonderful book about what to do before you go to sleep at night: give thanks to God for all that He has given you. After reading this book, I realized the practical advice was needed in my very own life. (Children's books do that to ya...)
The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright is a must read for all ages. It's filled with those old nursery rhymes all children should grow up knowing. PLUS, I used to dress up as mother goose as a child and read to everyone (glasses and all). The first thing I did when I officially moved out of mom and dad's house, was pack this book.

Ghastlies, Goops, & Pincushions by X.J. Kennedy
I can't believe this myself, but I actually found this in a discard pile! (GASP!) If you want to read a hilarious book filled with nonsense poetry, you must nab it. Check out my review to find out all the reasons why.

Eletelephony by Laura Richards is this delightfully short, cute book about an elephant using the phone but gets all sorts of tongue tied. This is actually a song, but it's an adorable one. If you find the book (I found mine at a dollar store), don't leave without it!

The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright is a must read for all ages. It's filled with those old nursery rhymes all children should grow up knowing. PLUS, I used to dress up as mother goose as a child and read to everyone (glasses and all). The first thing I did when I officially moved out of mom and dad's house, was pack this book.

Brian Cleary wrote an entire set: What is an Adjective? What is an Adverb? What is a Preposition? What is a Pronoun? What is a Conjunction? What are Similes and Metaphors? What is a Synonym? What are Homonyms and Homophones? What is an Antonym? and etc. etc. etc. I only have 4, the rest are on my wish list (there's a lot of books on my wish list... sigh...). He has a clever way of teaching grammar. These stories are so.much.fun. and a great way to teach your students and kids about parts of speech, especially if they're struggling with understanding it. English isn't easy, but these books make it fun!
Of course, this is a wonderful list and others could've been added (like Goodnight Moon, The Red Hen, or "Uh-Oh!" Said the Crow or Oh, The Places You'll Go) but those are recommended by everyone because everyone has them. I love those books as well and here's 10 more I think you should add to your "must have on your shelf" list. Now, hope on over to Melany's blog and see what she recommends!
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