Do I ever have so so so much to be thankful for this morning! My sister-in-law and her baby were in a car accident last night, scaring the beeejebes out of her family and friends, but they are okay! Our prayers were answered, thank you Lord! On that note, it seemed ever so appropriate to publish the last of my thank you's.
I've been terrible at posting my pics on Instagram, and there were days I missed because this month has been nuts. My daughter got the chicken pox - confining us to our house, my husband got a fever that lasted two miserable days, our heater broke, outlets stopped working in our living room... ahhhhh... I found it super difficult to be grateful for anything. Still, it's in these trying times we're called to be thankful. It's in trials that we're forced to appreciate all God has given us. So when I view the events of this month it seems like the work they required were menial details; unimportant, trivial, non sequential in the grand scheme of things. We still have our health, we were able to scrape up the money to fix what needed fixed, we had friends to help us, food to put on the table, warm clothes, and God didn't have to bless us with any of that. So I'm beyond thankful!
Beginning with Day 17 [Memories]
Whenever Kyle and I go hiking or camping or anything outdoors I take something home and add it to this mix. The flowers are from him and each piece is from something special we enjoy doing together. |
Day 18 [Something New]
My slippers! They are super warm and comfy. Kyle took me shopping for my birthday and when he asked me what I wanted, this was first on my list. I wear them everyday - it's part of the stay-at-home mommy wardrobe. |
Day 19 [Best Friend]
My husband, my best friend. |
Day 20 [Seasonal]
Ever since my first birthday I've have an obsession with Mickey Mouse. I have Christmas Mickey Mouse decor, Valentine, 4th of July... etc. I simply can not resist the ears. |
Day 21 [Where You Sleep]
I love sleep. If I could capture 10-12 hours a day, that'd be just perfect. To be honest, I could've taken a picture of my couch, or recliner, or the passenger seat in my hubby's truck, I do not resist it so I'll sleep wherever. I'm a much happier person when I sleep, because I feel so much better. I can't explain it... when I'm sleepy my whole body aches for it... why fight it? |
Day 22 [Clothing]
The day I took this picture, my daughter wore the cutest outfit. I should've taken a picture with her in it. She loves those sparkly shoes. |
Day 23 [In Your Closet]
Our closet has tight quarters. I'm actually thankful for a small closet because it forces me to watch what I purchase and keep only what I wear. As you can tell I still need to get rid of some, it's overflowing. I have a system to my clothes that I like a lot. I store them according to summer and winter. When I get out my summer tub it's like shopping - I forget what I have! |
Day 24 [Gratitude]
Thanks to my sister I started a Thankful Journal nearly a year ago. I filled one already and when I got my brand new, clean journal I decorated it. I filled it with quotes reminding me why being thankful in all circumstances is good for the heart. Even on bad days I force myself to find 5 things to be grateful for and my heart is always full as a result. |
Day 25 [Artwork]
These are actually terrible pictures and they do not do my sister Mel's work justice, but these pics give you an idea of her talent. This coffee table contains a river scene, fish, rocks and all, that are her handy work. We have one piece that we proudly display in our home, but I can't get a picture of it worthy of showing to you. She's pretty amazing. |
Day 26 [Transportation]
My daughters ride. |
Day 27 [Daily Routine]
This is Marley's "routine" He's my watch dog. |
Day 28 [Nighttime]
My nighttime cuddle buddy. |
Day 29 [Light]
I took this pic a while back on our way home from Colorado and it's one of my favorites. |
Day 30 [Self Portrait]
I actually hate selfies. It's not something I'm grateful for, in fact, I typically stop following people on Instagram if the majority of their pictures are ones they take of themselves. #petpeeve I was actually kinda disappointed to see this on the grateful list, so I scoured my pictures to see if I had any "self portraits" and found this one. The day I graduated from college. I was excited. |
I think next year I'm going to create my own Gratitude Challenge. This is something I definitely want to do again. This is just another wonderful piece of my daily thankful journal, which forces you to see the good in everything and thank God for giving it to you. Thanks for following me on this journey! I'm sure it won't be the end of it.
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