Saturday, June 11, 2016

Spilling the Beans [January - May 2016 Edition]

It has been entirely too long since I've spilled the Beans. January was crazy because I had my brother's kiddos and that allowed for nothing else. Whew. Four kids all under the age of 5 kept me hopping for 6 weeks! Then February came around and my sister had her baby. Before I knew it, it's March and spring was right around the corner! Yay! Then summer set in along with all the craziness summer weather allows. As a result of all our craziness, I didn't do a very good job these last few months of keeping track of her funnies.

Here are the highlights...

For Christmas she asked for a Belle dress and an Elsa blanklet (blanket). Because a Belle dress was the one gift she wouldn't stop talking about receiving, we saved it for last. I so so so so so so wish I would've recorded her opening it. For months before Christmas she coined Quigley as her Beast. Adorable, right? When she opened her gift she gasped and said, "Beast! My dress!"
Poor Beast had to be dressed up too!
For Valentine's her daddy got her a Superman dress. Tutu, cape, and all. She insists that she's not Supergirl or Superwoman. Nope. She's Superman. Also, after receiving it, she wore it three.days.straight. We also had a Superman themed playdate with a friend that included super snacks and rescuing a damsel in distress (her Belle doll). She ran around the house yelling, "This looks like a job for Superman!" before getting the outfit, since receiving this gift I hear that phrase all.the.time.

Wagon Wheel came on the radio while driving down the road and she began yelling, "MY SONG! Mommy, Daddy! This is MY song!"

The day my niece and nephew went back home to their daddy Bean was really sad and she told me, "But. I don't want to miss them."

She pretends to have a pet "osupus" (octopus). She holds her hand out and pretends to hold him.

When she gets in the water she automatically grows a mermaid tail. She splashes around in the bathtub or pool and asks if I can see it.

She told me that her daddy was big and strong enough to touch the sky.

One of my Facebook posts: Kyle and I spell things when we don't want our children to know what we are saying. Welp. That's over. Today I asked Kyle if he wanted some h-o-t t-e-a. Bean exclaimed, "I want some too!" So I asked her what she wanted. Her expression was so incredulous as she spelled, "t-e-a!" That's what happens when you have smart kids.

She's so incredibly smart! Thanks to her cousin who has become obsessed with planes, she too loves point to the sky and counting the planes. On one particular occasion she explained that two planes made an x in the sky!

She tries dressing Ele-Monster occasionally. This particular time I heard lots of screaming and an exasperated Ele emerged from the playroom with a dress around her neck. Brielle sighed, "I think she wants you to put a dress on her." Wellllllll, I don't think she wanted it on at all.
We went to the zoo in Omaha (amazing, despite the rain) and Brielle loved, loved, loved the bats. She's obsessed with this book about a baby bat that gets separated from his mother called Stellaluna and she stood there staring at them. She cried when we told her it was time to move on. 
You can't see the bats in the picture, but if you look closely you can see hanging fruit and they were eating when we walked through the exhibit.

She loves helping me water the flowers. I noticed that she was picking the flowers and watering the stem directly. LOL! I had to explain to her that's not how it worked.

Pictures of her adorableness...

Notice she has two crowns on! Hehe. 
Dressing up in her daddy's stuff.

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