My family would watch a movie without me, just so they could watch me watch a funny movie later. Apparently I'm entertaining when I think something is funny. Here's the truth though: I think Laffy Taffy jokes are funny, so you may not think these things are funny, but they make me laugh, which in turn makes my day. So I had a lot of fun making this list... cause I can't stop laughing...
1. Every teacher can relate to this...
2. This commercial...
3. Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series is hilarity at its finest. The book is a little rough around the edges at times, but I love the strange characters Evanovich creates stories around; plus the bizarre situations Stephanie Plum gets herself involved in are mysteriously comical. Stephanie Plum is an awful bounty hunter who's constantly down on her luck and with Grandma Mazur or Lulu to babysit half the time, things are always interesting. Not to mention the fact that she has two men she's in love with and I often wonder if Evanovich isn't just going to leave us hanging on which one she picks. I'm rooting for Ranger, but we may never know, which is killing me!
4. In the movie, Shanghai Knight, when he jumps on his horse and this happens...
5. Garfield cartoons.
6. Calvin & Hobbes is also a favorite.
7. This picture.
8. The things my little Bean (pictured above) says and does (check out some of her latest here).
9. Corny jokes.
10. E-Cards.
If you want a taste of what else makes me laugh, check out my LOL board on Pinterest. And yes each of those things pinned, did make me laugh out loud.
Here's more posts of things that make me laugh...
- Favorite Garfield Cartoons
- Church Nursery Duty "Sins"
- Reasons My 1 Year Old is Crying
- Funniest Movies
- Funniest Books
- Any "Spilling the Beans" post
- A Photo Tour: A Day in the Life with My Monster Bean
- Poor Marley and the Dreaded Red Ant Attack
- Marley Man's Weird Quirks
- Craaaaaaaazy Quigley (Part 1 and Part 2)
- The Lone Pea Plant vs. Crazy Quigley
- Garyisms
- What I Learned From My 2 Year Old Niece Alexi Today
- My Nephews are SILLY