Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday's Top Ten [Reasons I Can't Wait for Heaven!]

1. The Worship. I get goosebumps listening to a song and chills when we worship together as a church body, so I cannot even imagine what worship will be like in heaven with angels, animals, and all of God's people worshiping Him together. I've always loved music and my dad and I would sing and play for hours on end, I have no doubt in my mind this will be a million times more amazing. I can't wait!

2. Fellowship. I love, love, love getting together with like-minded people to play games, eat food, and glorify God together. In Heaven JESUS will actually BE THERE WITH US! (I think my heart just skipped a beat.)

3. I want to cuddle with a bear, or a lion, or a BIG BAGHEERA.

4. I have so many questions to ask God! Like, how many stars are there? I'll be like a two year old asking "why?" all the time.

5. One of the most romantic things you could do with anyone is walk on the beach and hold hands. I want to do that with Jesus. And lean into Him and hug Him and just listen to Him talk to me.

6. Taste the wine. Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding party (John 2) and the guests said that they saved the "best for last." If it was that good back then I can only imagine what it'll be like in heaven.

7. Meet new friends. Like Paul, Mary, and Betsie Ten Boom!

8. No more endless house work. Does anyone else get sick and tired of cleaning your kitchen daily only to have it messy again after breakfast, lunch, and dinner?! Or finishing laundry only to throw dirty socks in the empty hamper before you go to bed at night?! Or emptying your dishwasher so you can fill it with the dirty dishes piling up in the sink? Or sweeping the floor and five minutes later the dogs drag in dirt galore? Seriously can't wait for my sparkling clean mansion.

9. No more good-bye's. I hate them. They seriously break my heart. I hated saying good-bye to my sisters when they moved clear across the country/world. I hated saying good-bye to my nieces and nephews. The day I said good-bye to my brother as I headed off to college was one of the hardest days of my life. When I lost a friend in a car accident was a day that is forever ingrained in my brain. My uncles funeral was one of the hardest funerals I've ever attended. The last day of college, with some of the best girlfriends a girl has ever been blessed to call my own, was so, so hard. No more good-byes. Ahhhhhhh....

10. No more death, drama, drugs, wars, &etc. Heaven is peace. Watching Drugs Inc. on television or hearing of today's government shut down or school shootings where multiple children lost their lives, makes me ache for this place. Just come today Lord!

Just think... it was a year ago TODAY that I almost experienced this place! That thought doesn't bother me at all, in fact, I think about it quite often. "Hmmmm, I wonder what I'd be doing right now?" BUT Kyle doesn't like it when I bring it up. I can't say that I blame him, but it's amazing how a near death experience forces you to think about life and I can't wait for life in heaven!

According to an ABC News poll, nine out of ten people believe in heaven. However, after reading the article I realized that most people's understanding of heaven and how to get there is NOT Biblically based. Acts chapter 4, verse 12 very clearly states that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, "...there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Read what I've written about God's saving grace under The Gospel tab or my post about hope, which will help you understand the truth behind Acts 4:12.

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