Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten Plus Ten [Life Changing Books]

Melany and I's topic this week focuses on a topic we are both extremely interested in: BOOKS!
These are the books that have made the most impact on my life, which you've probably heard me talk about them many times before:
  1. BIBLE (particularly the books Job, Romans, and Titus) I've been talking about these 3 books in my 40 Day Challenge... I can't even begin to tell you how God has opened my eyes to His Word and the impact it's had on my life.
  2. A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent
  3. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
  4. Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman
  5. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers - Since I don't have a review on this book I'll just share a little blurb: it's one of the best love stories I've ever read. Francine wrote it as a parallel to the Bible book Hosea and it will rip your heart out. The main character, Matthew, marries a whore and despite all the times she hurts him, he keeps going after her. The way it ends... Oh My... It's definitely worth reading and rereading. It puts our relationship with God in such an amazing perspective - he keeps drawing us to him, even though we forsake him time and time again.
  6. Fearlessly Feminine by Jani Ortlund 
  7. The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennet - This book has transformed my prayer life. If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page, you'll see a portion of one of my favorite prayers. Also, I briefly wrote about another portion of a prayer here.
  8. A Marriage After God's Own Heart by David Clarke - Kyle and I read this book after we got engaged and while we went through pre-marital counseling. It transformed our relationship, pointing it directly to Christ and how to keep HIM as our central focus. This book, along with For Women Only/For Men Only, are staple wedding gifts from Kyle and I.
  9. Gentle Passages: Guiding Your Daughter into Womanhood by Robin Jones Gunn
  10. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Plus 1. The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks is one of those must read romance novels about Noah and Ally's daughter, who's been married for at least 20 years and her marriage is failing. This is the story about how her husband's efforts to fix it (with the direction/help of Noah of course). I loved this story, and it's such an encouraging one to never give up. 

JUST can't help myself: Eve's Daughters by Lynn Austin is another incredible read about how one woman's decision to get a divorce affects generations after her.

I had to laugh because I easily listed 7 and after that I struggled. After adding #8, the books that changed my life kept rolling... I think this could be an endless list! But I'd say this is an excellent start. I HIGHLY recommend any book on this list.

Don't forget to check out Melany's most inspiring, life changing books.