Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday's Top Ten [Things I Always Keep on Hand]

I created this list from this perspective: what are 10 things that must go in the diaper bag or that I almost always have near by?

1. My Bible, Fine Line Markers and a Highlighter! I spend time reading every day and when I come across anything pertaining to God's sovereignty, His grace, purpose verses, &etc. I take note (hence the markers and highlighters). I also never leave the house without it. I do not want to miss an opportunity to share the gospel. Plus it'd be the first thing I'd grab (besides my children) if I had to up and leave in a hurry. Why? I want my words to be His Words because I believe God's Word is the only source of truth in this world and I want to know it so that I know HIM according to HIS WORD. There's no other way to find encouragement or hope in a world where I don't belong.

2. My Journal and/or Notepad. Every day I write at least 5 thank yous (here's why) so I keep it on hand to write them down as my day progresses. I find that much easier than trying to reflect back on my day. I've been doing this since February of 2013 and my thinking has changed dramatically. I have so so so much to be thankful for and as events happen I'm finding reasons to be thankful for each of them - good or bad. 

I also keep a notepad handy because I'm a lister

3. Thieves. It is a wonderful, absolutely wonderful, concoction of essential oils that is a must have for your medicine cabinet. The story behind it is pretty cool and the stuff works in warding off and/or shortening sickness.

4. A Book. Reading and writing are a major part of my life. Partly because I'm certified to teach junior highers and high schoolers english and language arts, but also because some of my best memories and most relaxing moments of my day revolve around a book. Books take me on adventures, challenge my thinking, make me cry, laugh, smile, (etc. etc.), and improve my overall state of mind. I'll always have a book on hand.

5. My Phone. Over the past few years I have received many complaints from friends and family that I'm terrible about answering my phone, so I've made it a point in the last few months to be better about having it around (what's the point of having one if I don't, right?). Voxer has helped and I'm much better about texting. Voicemail is another issue altogether and I've never actually liked talking on it (weird, I know). Plus my days revolve around discipleship and because I'm involved in many discipleship relationships, it is important to be able to talk to one another often. This one can also be a curse though. I'm finding it difficult to truly balance my time between my families needs, getting things done and always having this on hand. 

6. Wipes. With a two year old who got her dinner on the bottom of her feet last night (don't ask me how) this is a must. There's a pack of wipes in the car, diaper bag, bathroom and to save on these expensive boogers there's always a washcloth on the back of her booster seat/high chair. 

7. Chapstick and Lotion. I have lotion in every room in my house. I live in a dry climate and after washing my hands after every diaper change, or every time I have to go to the bathroom myself (thank you pregnancy), or wash the dishes, my hands become extremely chapped. My lips don't take quite the beating as my hands do, but I hate the feeling of chapped lips so much that Burt's Bees is a must in this household. 

8. Coconut Oil. You talk about versatile! It's good to eat, it's good for cough medicine, it's good for cooking, it's good for your skin, it's just good stuff and we'll always have it around. Plus my two year old daughter is convinced that "coco oy-w" is the cure-all for every ailment known to man. 

9. My Computer. This is always easily accessible because (see #4) reading and writing will always be part of my life. It's much easier to use a keyboard and see the words on the screen (to keep up with my overactive brain) when inspiration hits than it is to write in a notebook. I might be confusing you after reading #2, but there's a difference between sketching a few thoughts or writing a list than actually writing writing. (If that makes a lick of sense.)

10. A Drink. This may sound like a duh thing to always have on hand, but if I don't have water on hand, I don't drink it (and neither does my daughter) so it's a necessity. BUT I will always have a cup of tea or coffee or root beer on hand during those special times of my day (see #1, 2, 4 or 9). I find relaxing isn't as enjoyable without a favorite beverage of some sort. Haha, when I go to church I have a bottle of water and coffee or tea. It makes the diaper bag full, but it's well worth having those things on hand.

What are some things you always keep on hand? I'm interested in hearing you add to this list! 

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