Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten Plus Ten [Ways I Want to Emulate My Mom]

Melany came up with this topic. For good reason - she has a wonderful mom (who happens to be one of my best friends). When Melany suggested it I immediately began thinking of the ways I'd like to be like my own mother and the first one that popped into my brain was...

1. Her Creativity. My mom works magic with paint brushes, sewing machines, hot glue guns, and any scrap piece of junk you think belongs in the trash bin. She has vision. It always amazes me how beautiful her creations are and I know I got my creative streak from her. She inspires me.

Here's 9 more ways I'd like to be like my mother and after reading mine, check out Melany's!

2. Her work ethic. My mom has always worked hard. We nicknamed her the "House Nazi" growing up because of her insane desire to keep the house spotless (and trust me, it always was). She owned her own cleaning business for a while and when all of her children were in school she'd work a full time job and grab a cleaning or waitress job on the side (still does).

3. Her Determination. When my mom believes in something, you'll know. When my mom wants something, she gets it. When my mom starts a project, she'll stay up all night to finish it, even if she messes it up so badly she has to start over. She is a determined woman in all aspects of her life.

4. Her fun-loving attitude on life. That sounds so corn-pokey, but I couldn't think of a better way to explain this side of her. Want to go sledding? She's in. Swimming? Yup. Trip to the lake? Absolutely. Rollercoasters? Heck yes. (She screams the whole time and freaks out over heights, but being with her in those moments make it that much more enjoyable! Haha!) Seriously, though this list could be endless.

5.  She's never been overbearing. Ever hear of those annoying helicopter moms that can't seem to let their child live and learn on their own occasionally? Yeah, my mom was never that mom. She was supportive, but did not hover. She was there, yet understood the need for independence. She's still that mom.

6. She expresses love frequently. Whether it's through an occasional package full of goodies, a homemade gift (those are always greatly appreciated, see #1), a text, Facebook post, &etc. she tells her children and her grandchildren that she loves them, often.

7. Her thrifty skills. She has an impressive "thrifty skill set" on how to save money in all aspects of day-to-day life. We grew up with very little money, but you'd never have known it. She made it work 'cause she's creative with her nickels and dimes too.

8. Her multi-tasking skills. I believe this skill set was developed after hanging out with 4 children and still being the "House Nazi" (LOL).

9. Her ability to see beauty in things most people miss. This goes back to #1 but my mom looks at something and instantly sees the potential. There are times I see that skill creep up into the creative portion of my brain and I know that comes from my mom!

10. Her cooking skills. My mom has always been an amazing cook and I should've paid attention while living under her roof because I missed that particular skill. I'm a willing learner now but I don't know that I'll ever match her skill in this. Someday I hope...

Did I mention anything about her with her grand babies? She lights up around them, spoils the heck out of them, and cries when she leaves them. Here's a few of her with my Briella Bean...

And with her kids, Matt was giving us a BIG hug.

When I was growing up she'd sign all her notes with a picture of grapes and say, "I love you bunches." I love you bunches mom. 

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