Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tuesday's Top Ten [What Inspires Me]

While I continue writing on a post that is taking quite a bit of time (I work on it when I can. When time itself is of the essence, that is super difficult!) As I work on that particular post, I began thinking about all the things that inspire me and felt another list coming on... so while you wait I whipped this one up right quick...

I am inspired by...

Scripture. Encouragement is one of the reasons Scripture exists! "For what was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." Romans 15:4 Nothing inspires me like the Bible. (This one is a hint at that post that is taking me forever to write!)

Music. Whether it's jazz, rap, classical, rock... music motivates me. Rap and rock, for example, get me off my butt, ready and excited to exercise. Depending on the lyrics, music works on my heart strings, changing me from the inside out. There are musical liturgies that speak to my soul. The more I listen to good music, the more I begin to understand that composers are genius in their harmonious, rhythmic, and lyrical design. Author's of song are distinguished poets and express these poems with such harmony that I am inspired by their workmanship - not all have this gift, but when they do, it is one of the highest forms of inspiration for me.

Poetry. Poetry books are typically on the discard pile more often than not, which is great for people like me who enjoy reading them! It is in the withdrawn books at the library that I found some favorites; or in the to-be-recycled pile or on the free shelf at a book store where I also find hidden treasures. I get all giddy when I happen across them. I recently read a poem about a tree, short and sweet, but quite wonderful. While reading J.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings I fell in love with each poem he wrote. Children's poems are some of my favorites - cute, hilarious, and brilliant. It's in poetry that I find the clever play on words, rhyming, rhythm, witty lines - masterly and powerfully written - that invigorate my mind. When I'm in a slump, I pick up one of these books and read a few. Once I sat down and read it cover to cover, completely enthralled and inspired. There is so much to learn about writing just by reading poetry written by an unknown champion of words!

Prayer. When poetry and prayer are combined, I experience a bit of heaven! Arthur Bennett's The Valley of Vision is a favorite for this reason. His prayers are poetic, full of deep theology, convicting, thought provoking, and utterly amazing. His prayers perplex me at times, but his words impress deeply and strongly upon my heart and mind. I go to his prayers quite often when I lack the words. Still, it is in my own prayer time that my soul feels at rest, especially when I write it down. It is through prayer - praising, thanking, and giving my worries and cares to the sovereign God of the universe - that affect me most.

Quotes. When little snippets of wisdom are written down and shared, I soak that up! I have an entire board on Pinterest for them and could not possibly pick a favorite!

Books. When I'm in a writing slump, it's typically because I haven't taken the time to read in a few days. If I don't take the time to read, the desire to write is nill. Each day my girls are required to spend 30-60 minutes sitting quietly with books in hand. If I don't join them, then I'm uninspired and I'm also not setting a good example. At the end of that time, they each pick a few to read aloud together. This is one of our favorite times of the day!

Sermons. While folding laundry or doing dishes or scrubbing the bathroom, I listen. I go to Ligonier, Desiring God, or our own church's website for sermons I missed and find myself (yup, you guessed it) inspired.

Podcasts. TedTalks are amazing for inspiration! They are short and sweet, and have wonderful ideas or practical advice. I went to these quite often to hear about the minimalist lifestyle that we decided to tackle. Many pastors provide podcasts worth listening to, and there is a lot out there for teachers as well. Inspiration at it's finest! Also, there's an app for that (called the Podcast App)!

I think it's clear at this point that words are what inspire me most! (Is anyone surprised by that?)

Discipleship. I've written about discipleship quite a bit here, but it is one area of my life that I am incredibly thankful for. God has blessed me with a woman who continually points me to Jesus. I trust her advice, her wisdom, her life experiences as she leads me through this life as a wife, mother, and follower of Jesus Christ. As Christians we were not meant to journey this life alone! Jesus commanded his disciples to disciple, teaching others all that He taught them (Matthew 28:18-20). And as you read through Scripture, you'll find that a good church body values this principle as well (as one of many examples, read Titus 2:3-5). I find just as much value and inspiration from the women I disciple as well. It's a two-fold relationship of accountability, instruction, encouragement, and friendship where we learn from one another as we seek Jesus.

Pinterest. This one may sound kinda silly, but it's a storehouse of good ideas and I've saved A LOT of them!


Drinks. This one may also sound kinda silly, but if I make myself a good cup of tea or coffee or pour a glass of wine or open a bottle of good beer, soaking in it's flavors - well, it's an enjoyable and productive way to relax, open a good book, or my writing journal and thank God for all the amazing things He has blessed me with in this life. If I had nothing else in this life (in the way of desirable things) I'd be completely happy with a good book and a good drink. God has blessed me with both, and then some!

I hope this post inspires you as you take on the new year, reflecting on 2017 and hoping to make changes. I encourage you to find things that inspire you, so that when you're in a slump, you pick up one of those things to find encouragement and motivation.

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