Friday, November 8, 2013

"Please pray for us!"

The Voice of the Martyrs has an email sign up that encourages you to pray for specific individuals who are being persecuted for their Christian faith. We may or may not be able to help each individual with money, food, clothing, etc. BUT we can and should pray for them. Prayer is what each person experiencing persecution specifically asks for from VOM; and I can most definitely grant that request and ask my readers to do the same. 

Sometimes I receive amazing suggestions on how to help specifically, like filling and mailing action packs to persecuted Christians who flee with only the clothes on their back. And this last week's email was no exception. I'm excited to participate in this one act that gives encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world! 

PLEASE join me!

VOM has granted the prayer request of the persecuted Christians to whom they reach out by creating a website called:, where you are encouraged to read the stories of these individuals and write a prayer specifically for them. VOM will then print off each prayer and give it to them, showing this request was indeed granted. What an incredible blessing to know that people around the world are praying for you during some of the most difficult times of your life. Imagine one of these individuals greeting you in heaven thanking you for praying for them?! It's such an easy way to bless them and encourage them to hold fast to the faith in Jesus Christ and the hope of eternity with Him. 

One person asking for prayer is Ly Thi Song who lost her husband to Vietnamese authorities who tortured him to death; all because him and his brother moved their families to central Vietnam to establish a church. Her story is one of thousands, millions even, that endure such hardship for the sake of the gospel. She is now a widow caring for their four children! I can not imagine what it would be like to be in her shoes, however, I can imagine the encouragement Christians can give their fellow believers like Ly Thi Song by following through on this simple task of praying.

There are many, many ways VOM offers assistance to these individuals. I highly encourage you to to order a free subscription to this magazine, or if you feel lead to help the persecuted church in any other way, contact:
orders and contributions: 800-747-0085
ministry information: 877-377-0302

If you go to the website you can also sign up for specific prayer requests by scrolling all the way down to the end of the home page, you'll see the "Sign up for VOM's prayer alert" button. Continue to search the website for the many, many ways VOM asks for your help. 

And then pray!

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