This weekend we took Bean to a pumpkin patch at
Fanny's Fruit Farm in Gurley, NE. She had so much fun and was exhausted at the end of a very busy day! I recommend checking this place out if you live in the surrounding area.
The price of admission was only $7 and pumpkin prices varied between $1-$5 depending on the size of pumpkin you picked. I thought it was worth the price considering how Briella Bean enjoyed every last minute of it.
They have little bitty goats that Brielle absolutely LOVED!
THE moment she saw the little goats she started to giggle and it did not stop until they were out of sight. I love this picture because it captures her utter excitement! |
When they approached her (they were perfect -Bean- size) she wasn't too sure about them at first and stayed hidden in Daddy. |
Goat Kisses! I LOVE this picture as well! |
She followed this white one around for quite a while. She was obsessed and tried so very hard to give it aw-aw-aw's! She only accomplished grabbing it's hind quarters, haha. |
Trying to give it aw-aw-aw's. |
Little pats are included in her aw-aw-aw's. |
There was a little chair in the goat pin and the goats flocked to her after I set her in it, first there was one...
... eating her shirt... |
... then there were two... |
... not sure what to think... |
... she's had enough, but she's hysterically giggling still... |
... trying to get away and still has belly laughs... |
I don't know which she enjoyed more, the goats or the pumpkin patch itself!
I thought the buildings were so cool and had to share them with you...
Goat Barn |
Chicken coop |
You could gather eggs if you wanted... Bean wanted one
so bad... anything round she slams on the floor (in her world that's playing catch) and we had to quickly leave the premises so that we didn't have a mess on our hands and she wasn't very happy that mommy wouldn't let her have one... so enough with the chicken coop.
Bean wanted to go back to the Goat Barn!
But we went to the Corn Maze instead...
We stopped to take pictures on the haybales located in the middle of the maze. I'm glad we did. The sun was intense and no matter if you were facing it or had your back to it, pictures were hard to take with an iPhone. Still, I think they turned out pretty good. |
Kyle's really good at these things. Every single time I'm in a maze Kyle gets us out in no time flat, I don't know how he does it, but I always, always, always follow him, and sure enough his parents took a different route and Kyle had to guide them out... haha... just trust me when I say, "follow Kyle!" |
View from inside the Corn Maze of Fanny's Fruit Farm. |
We have yet to get family pictures so whenever there's a chance I ask someone to take one of us! I love how it turned out!
After making it through the Corn Maze we ventured through the Pumpkin Patch. Again, I don't know which one Brielle loved most: the Pumpkin Patch or the Goat's.
Lots to choose from... |
Perfect Bean-Sized Pumpkin! |
She loved it (she's giving pumpkin kisses)! |
Giving it love pats. |
 | look at those chubby hands! |
Brielle was in Pumpkin Paradise!
There were pumpkin's everywhere and Bean wanted them all! |
Trying so so hard to pick it up. |
This is what she does when she loves something: puts her hand under her chin and rocks back and forth while saying, "aw-aw-aw" and then points at whatever gets her affection. In this case it was a very large green pumpkin. |
Giving it "aw-aw-aw" love pats. |
Aunt Sydnie searched the patch for the perfect pumpkin. Whatever one she picked, Brielle loved. |
She wanted nothing to do with the stroller. She wanted to walk! However, with the ground being uneven she'd fall and trip every couple steps, but you can learn a lot about life by watching her walk: fall down, get back up, try again, fall down, get back up, try again... over and over and over again. |
The stroller did serve its purpose. |
We loaded our pumpkins and Bean up in a wagon and went on our way. |
She kept grunting and making this face. At first we thought she was filling her diaper, but then realized she was trying very hard to pick the pumpkin up! Haha! |
My mother-in-law and I took Bean on the hayrack ride while Aunt Sydnie, Grandpa and Daddy went to the Haunted Hollows.
I didn't mean to cut Brielle out of the picture, but it was a good one of Tammy and I none-the-less, so I had to share it! |
Patty Cake is always a favorite game. |
"I do it myself!" |
The day was winding down, but we had to stop at the little play house and browse through the gift shop. I'm surprised Brielle held it together because she was already showing signs of being a sleepy baby during the corn maze with a little eye rubbage, but she seemed to enjoy the little playhouse, play horse, and all the things for her to do.
The playhouse smashed the witch! |
She LOVED this! It inspired Grandma and Grandpa to get theirs out of storage for when she comes to visit them. |
Sydnie and I had fun in the gift shop trying on all their hats. I EASILY would've purchased one of these because they were so stinkin' adorable! But Kyle said I didn't need one, I'm not sure what he meant by that... ;)
arrrrrrr.... |
If you couldn't tell from the pictures we had a marvelous day. Thank you Fanny's Fruit Farm for providing a wonderful place for us to get out as a family and have a fun filled fall day! After days like this I feel beyond blessed for the life God has given us and the people He's put in our lives, I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season.
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