Monday, July 30, 2018

Mothers, Give Mothers Grace Upon Grace Upon Grace

Two stories were told to me today by mother's who love and care for their children with equal fervor. They are two mother's I often go to for advice, ideas, and suggestions, but today they both made mistakes. Mistakes that could've ended badly. One came to me in hysterical tears, obviously upset about what happened with one of her children. I don't know that I gave her much except a sounding board and a Kleenex to wipe her tears, but she told me afterwards that it helped to talk to me. After this encounter I have been thinking about what Jesus gives us, or doesn't give us, even though we make mistake after mistake after mistake, day after day after day, minute by blasted minute.

We are all mother's in need of grace. Some days we need more grace than others.

Grace by definition is receiving what we don't deserve. Every shortcoming we experience as mother's should land us all in hell, away from the presence of God. Every loss of temper. Every discipline act done in anger. Every time we forget to follow through on a promise made. Every time we manipulate to get what we want from our children. Every sin is a strike against a perfect and holy God whose law very clearly states that sinners cannot, and will not, be allowed in His presence and live to tell about it.

When I reflect on my motherhood in that light, I tremble until the Holy Spirit reminds me of what Jesus accomplished on the cross in His death, burial, and resurrection. In that one act He took the penalty for my sin - which is mercy, not getting what I deserve. He also gave me righteousness so that I can live in the presence of a righteous God - which is grace, getting what I don't deserve. And every day since He opened my eyes to this truth I've been living in that grace. The more I sin, the more grace I receive. It is impossible to out sin God's grace found by faith alone in Christ alone.

"... where sin increased, grace abounded all the more..." Romans 5:20

It is in this faith in Christ that I stand in grace (Romans 5:2). Stand in grace. When I screw up, I have not moved from His grace! When I reflect on my motherhood in that light, I feel free! Free from the burden of perfection. God doesn't expect perfection, He knows I'm a sinner in need of grace. He wants me to rely on Him and this grace He freely gives. Knowing that, why do I expect perfection from myself and even worse, from others? We are all sinners in need of God's amazing grace.

So mothers, if Jesus gives grace upon grace upon grace for every mistake, every imperfection, how do you think we should treat our fellow mothers? If we hold grudges, pass judgment, and become angry because of another mother's mistake, are we not putting ourselves in the place of God? Doing what Jesus does not do? He gives grace, what do we give?

Mothers, give grace upon grace upon grace. Grace is never deserved, but since Christ so generously gives us love and kindness when we don't deserve it, who are we to withhold it from another mother? Therefore, since we have this incredible gift, let's rely on the God of the universe to pass His love and kindness on to other momma's who are also desperately in need of it.

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