We had planned to host this shower on mom's deck, but it turned out to be a chilly day, so that didn't work out like we originally planned. That's okay! It turned out great. Monkey's were
every where!
"Sweet Little Monkey, You're Loved a Ton!"
We put monkey's hanging out in lamps, cups, from the ceiling fan. Hehe, I had a lot of fun with this part.
Barrel of Monkey's hanging around the banana pudding! |
I hung vines from the ceiling fan and put monkey's of all shapes and sizes hanging from them. |
The food table center piece. The stuffed monkey was mine from when I was a child. I drew the picture behind it and wrapped vines around everything. |
We hung the "Sweet Little Monkey You're Loved a Ton!" banner above the fireplace. |
For some reason I didn't get a picture of the entire table that we covered with a blue, green and red table cloth and tied each end with blue, yellow, green, white, and red tissue paper poofs. The table was stinkin' adorable and was filled with yummy goodies like Monkey bread, Monkey bars, banana pudding, cheese and crackers.... (my mom is an excellent cook so there was not a shortage of amazing food, plus she provided coffee which made the evening 110% complete ;) I wish I would've got a picture of the entire table, there's always something I forget! Dang it.
I couldn't resist this little outfit. |
Lastly, I made a baby memory book. This was my favorite piece. It turned out super cute and I hope she loves it and puts it to good use. I'm thinking I might have to do this idea more often because I really enjoyed putting it together and what mom doesn't love something that's already created that you can just fill in as you go ('cause you're always on the go...).
The front cover has a monkey and I put a U on the back for his last name. The top picture is a picture of the front cover and first page (which has Isaiah 49:16 stamped on it: "You are inscribed on the palm of his hand..." That verse is specifically talking about God's prophet Isaiah, but I also believe that God's chosen people are loved that much... especially children.) |
The front cover where Mom can record his name, the meaning of his name, his birthday, time, length, weight, etc. etc. |
The first few pages: a page for his ultrasound picture that says "Tiny little thing, great big blessing," a page for "A note from daddy..." another page for "a note from mommy..." a page for his first day home picture, another page to record his "firsts" like his first smile, first taste of cereal, first fruit, first time rolling over, sitting up, taking his first step, his first word, etc., another page for a picture of his first bath, another page for his first Halloween, his first Christmas picture, first New Years picture, first Easter, another page for recording his growth, and the last page to show his hand or footprint (whichever mommy chooses) on day one and year one. |
The top left corner picture is the page where mommy can record special specifics for each month of his first year. The bottom left hand side is the page where mommy puts his first year picture (which is one of my favorite pages) and the blank page to the right is where she can record memorable moments. The top right picture is where mommy can record more memorable moments and the page next to it is where we put the gifts he received at his baby shower and who they were from. The last page contains the Psalm 139: 13-16, "For you formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them." And I signed the back cover with a little note, "I love you so much!" (Heart) Aunt Becky Lowery. |
Close Ups of my favorite pages...
My phone was nearly dead and I didn't capture pictures of the beautiful mommy-to-be and the guests who attended. I hate that. Thankfully, I did remember to capture some pictures. Still, what I regret most is not capturing photos of the car seat cover my mom made for Samantha. OH MY GOODNESS! You talk about stinkin' adorable! She used sock monkey fabric (red and brown), paired with brown and white striped fabric, and a onsie to match. It was seriously the hit of the show. My mom is so, so talented. We ooooo'd and awwwwww'd over that thing for quite a while. Haha, we didn't play a game, just sat and talked about that car seat cover! I think everyone had more fun doing that anyway. You know how girls are - we love to chit chat about anything and everything - including an adorable car seat cover!
I can't wait to meet this little Unruh. I love the little monkey so much already!
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